
Unlocking the potential of the business by 100%

The development of business potential is impossible without its disclosure. This means that, first of all, the hidden part of the potential needs to be made visible, visualized. In other words, you need to clearly understand the idea that underlies the business and deploy it, give the idea a form, clearly paint it. Without understanding the idea, it is impossible to get many customers and thereby large sales.

That’s where the problem arises

The bottom line is that a client is a […]

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How much does a private psychologist earn

To open a cabinet from scratch, you may need 200 000- 250 000 rubles.

Calculator and Money

Main items of expenditure:

activity registration — 10,000;

rent — 30,000;

cosmetic repairs — 40,000;

furniture, computer — 140,000;

advertising — 20,000;

the reserve fund is 10,000.

How much you can earn with these investments depends on a number of factors:

pricing policy in the region for such services;

qualifications and areas of activity of a psychologist;


The average check for one consultation outside Moscow varies in the range of 1500 — 2500 rubles. The […]

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We analyze the demand and offers of competitors

Before starting to open a psychological center, you need to study the demand for the service in a particular region. Evaluate the number of active psychologists, their range of services and pricing policy, reviews

Next, a portrait of a potential client is determined — advertising promotion is directed to this audience. For example, if we are talking about a child psychologist, then the target audience is parents of children and adolescents. If a psychologist specializes in solving problems in the family, […]

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